Vedic Maths in Hindi

Vedic maths is continually growing in demand, and it is viewed as the only mental math method that is best for children and their Vedic maths learning. It aids in both mental and numerical abilities. Its methods are realistic as well as novel. However, if a student focuses on Vedic ganit in Hindi, they will get a good hold.

However, Vedic maths learning accompanies some rules. While some have been discussed as under:

Five Rules of Vedic Mathematics -

1) Nikhilam Sutra

The numbers that are somewhat close to the power of 10 can be multiplied easily.

E.g. - 94 x 91 (Both the numbers are close to the power of 10)

94 x 91

100 - 94 = 6

100 - 91 = 9

91 - 6 = 85 and 94 - 3 = 91

(6) x (9) = 54

So, 94 x 91 = 8,554

2) Gyarasguna Sutra

Numbers can be multiplied by 11 in this method. "Gyarasguna" word split into three words. Gyara means 11, and Guna means Multiplication, and Sutra means method.

At first, write non 11 number twice

Add "0" to one of the numbers

Add both the numbers.

Example -

33 x 11

33 + 33

330 + 33 = 363

3) Ekanunena Purneva Sutra -

In this method, numbers can be multiplied in which one of the numbers is multiplied by 9, 99, 999. First, subtract 1 from 11, and then subtract the resulting number from 99 or 999.

Example: 11 x 99

11 - 1 = 10

99 - 10 = 89

So, 11 x 99 = 1089

Antyaordasake Pi

In this method, Multiplication can be done as follows -

Example -

42 x 48

First Number = 42

Second number = 48

Add 1 to the first digit of the second number -

4 + 1 = 5

Now Multiply the first digits of both numbers

4 x 5 = 20

Now, Multiply the second digits of both numbers

2 x 8 = 16

So, 42 x 48 = 2016

5) Navamguna Sutra -

In this method, Multiplication can be done as follows -

Example -

42 x 9

42 (10-1)

42 x 10 - 42 x 1

420 - 42 = 378.

So, 42 x 9 = 378.

If you don't enjoy Maths, you will see maths in a new way. This is the Vedic Maths power. It comes with an easy-to-understand concept that makes the Maths a merry ride. Vedic Maths is the one that empowers the basics of Children and this will eliminate Phobia of Maths.

Advantages of Vedic Maths in Hindi

In India, several ancient mathematical systems called Vedic mathematics have been around for more than 4000 years.

The teaching method is considered an alternative to modern mathematics, and it is aimed at helping students learn how to handle maths problems more efficiently and effectively.

It was derived during the Vedic age, between 1800 and 200 BC, from the teachings of the Vedas.

  • There is a conception of Veda as knowledge or wisdom in Sanskrit, which explains the name Vedic maths. Vedic maths are intended to be a drop of learning from the ancient Indians, which will benefit you in the modern world.
  • They were extensively used by ancient Indian mathematicians and were particularly prominent during the time of the Gupta empire. It can be observed that Vedic Maths has been used in sculptures and drawings of temples across all of India.