Vedic Maths for Class 2

Vedic Maths was discovered in the mid-1900s by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Bharti Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja.

It helps in solving calculations mentally. It is the world's fastest mental health system which allows students to calculate faster.

In Vedic maths, students of class 2 will be learning definitions and basic Formulas to perform simple calculations.

Important Definitions Related to Vedic Mathematics


Purvena (Preceding Number): The previous number in a two or three-digit value is said to be the preceding number.

For ex., In 984, the preceding number of 4 is 8.

Param Mitra Number

Param Mitra Number (Complementary Number): Two values which in addition give a sum of 10, are complementary numbers.

For ex., Param Mitra Number of 3 = 7

Param Mitra Number of 4 = 6

Formula Ekadhikena Purvene

To find the next number of a given number. A dot (.) is placed on the ekadhik number to show this sutra.

E.g, Ekadhik of 18 = 18 + 1 = 19

Ekadhik of digit 6 in 2636 = 2736

Nikhilam Digit

All digits are called Nikhilam digits except a unit digit.

E.g., In 983, 9 and 6 are Nikhilam digits.

Charam Digit

The unit digit is called the Charam digit.

E.g. In 1911, 1 was a charam digit.

Further, students will learn the basic calculation of multiplication, divisions which will help in increasing their creative thinking and help them calculate faster.