Mathematics - Numeracy

Numeracy means recognizing and applying the concept of Math’s in all areas. Under Numeracy skills, courting, solving number problems, measuring, sorting, patterns, adding and subtracting numbers etc. It is essential to develop numeracy skills in the early years.

If you build such Numeracy skills in your kids during your early years, you are preparing your kid for the future, like handling real-life problems and handling money.

With Numeracy, your kid will get a mathematical boost. You can follow some of the tips mentioned below.

  • If you want to enhance your child's math learning, try to incorporate the math into the conversation. You can use plenty of activities at home and let your kid understand the concepts.
  • The next you can do is to teach your child how to count. Counting is the fundamental math skill that you should understand from an early age. You can search for different rhymes and songs to let your kid engage in them.
  • You can help your child to identify patterns and let them become familiar with numbers. Encourage young children to create a pattern of their own to practice flexing their motor skills through drawing.

Math can be such a pleasant idea for tiny ones to learn. You can encourage your child's numeracy skills during their early years by following the steps mentioned above.