Proactive Abacus

Proactive abacus assists students in enhancing their problem-solving abilities and brainpower through brain activation and development. With a training program, students can carry out calculations without requiring any external medium.

It will lead to the students being passionate about the subject.

Why opt for a proactive abacus for students?

The proactive abacus is ideal for students in ample ways.

Logical thinking

The students can think more logically and will acquire enhanced logical thinking things with the program.

Photographic memory

The program can upgrade the visual and photographic memory of students with training.

Concentration and accuracy

The children solve problems with focus without any other distractions. It helps elevate the concentration in students. Moreover, the students perform calculations using the abacus, which gives accurate answers. It increases the accuracy of the students.


The students undergo training to solve multiple problems in a limited time. It enhances the students’ capacity to complete complex problems in less time, which leads to an increased speed.

Imaginative power

The students perform calculations in their minds which stimulate the brain and improve the imaginative power.

Competitive spirit

The program holds a variety of competitions for students.

It helps build team spirit and socializing.

The Proactive Abacus is a valuable program that helps students improve concentration, imaginative power, and logical thinking.