Abacus Online

Abacus online is here to add more fun to the process of learning abacus with more accurate and impressive outcomes. It is nothing but learning abacus virtually through an online medium. It helps make learning educational and enjoyable at the same time.

Benefits of Abacus Online

Abacus online provides children with many benefits.

Comfortable and easy

Learning Abacus online is easy for children as they can learn from the comfort of their homes. Moreover, studying through visuals and attractive videos makes the learning process more engaging and intelligible.


Online classes solve the issue of walking or traveling to the institution or center daily and thus helps save a lot of time.

Less expensive

As online learning involves learning from anywhere, it eliminates the need for traveling to institutions. Therefore, one can get rid of transportation costs with this online mode of education.

More attention to your child

In online classes, you can select a particular trainer to train your child. Your child will be given more attention for the given time. It helps to improvise the child with astonishing results within a short period.

Abacus Online, therefore, enables children to utilize time in a more effective way effortlessly and with minimal cost.

How does an online abacus work?

The term online abacus refers to various websites that provide information and resources about ancient Chinese numbers and mathematics in digital form.

Originally, the purpose of the abacus was to calculate mathematical calculations, but today, the software has evolved into a platform for exchanging information.

One can count on the fingers of one hand the number of websites that offer access to free resources related to ancient Chinese numbers and mathematics.

If you don't know where this is, you can try any search engine by entering the word "ancient Chinese." Most people would not be able to understand in simple terms what an online abacus is without consulting this website first.